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PCard Type Purchases

Individual PCard

Listed below are some typical purchases made by University of Miami employees:

  • Tools and hardware (i.e., Home Depot)
  • Magazine/Journal Subscriptions
  • Advertisement
  • Books
  • Membership Dues
  • Computer Software
  • Computer Hardware (not to exceed $2,000)
  • Office Supplies (i.e. Office Depot, OfficeMax, etc.)
    • Please note if you are making a purchase with Apricot Office Supplies, you do not need to give them your individual PCard number. We have an internal payment mechanism already in place with Apricot.
  • Postage
  • Flowers
  • Registration Fees (i.e. conference/seminar registration and/or deposit for conference participation)
    • Please note payment cannot be made to hotels because the SIC Code for hotels are blocked from the PCard. The transaction must exclude hotel accommodation and meals.
  • Office Equipment (e.g. calculators)
  • Freight/package deliveries carriers


Note: Printer Purchases need to go through Managed Print Services. Please complete and submit the form at the following –
